Cueva Iglesia

From $120 USD/person
Two Person Minimum

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This adventure begins by driving through the sacred valley of Tlacolula, home to many sacred Zapotec archaeological sites and different Zapotec communities still in existance. As we make our way to the Northern Sierra of Oaxaca, about an hour and 30 mins from the city of Oaxaca, you will have an opportunity to appreciate the amazing vistas and the ever-changing vegetation of this beautiful state. From cacti and corn to the oak and pine forests of the beautiful Sierras, Oaxaca has the most diverse topography, altitude, and climate in all of Mexico.

As we begin our trek, 3,100 meters (10,170 feet) above sea level, you will be introduced into the amazing forest of San Miguel del Valle, boasting over 8000 hectares of pine, oak, and madrone trees. Soon we will enter the sacred area of La Nevería where the community gathers each year on December 12 to celebrate the day of the Virgen of Guadalupe. If we are lucky, it is in this area where we often witness wild horses grazing next to the lake.

From here, we will hike along the old trading path to an amazing view point know as “El Mono.” The hike continues, as we follow the stream through a beautiful canyon where you will witness another change in the vegetation due to the dampness of the area. Here you will hear the stories about the bandidos (thieves) and explores the caves they used as their hide-out in the early 1900's. For a final treat, we will make our way to an another view point where you will see the entire mountain range of the area. The trek will end in the Zapotec community of San Antonio Cuajimoloyas where a wonderful lunch will be prepared for you in the community restaurant.

On this amazing hike you will have an opportunity to learn about the Zapotec culture while enjoying the spectacular views and vegetation of the Northern Sierra of Oaxaca.